Tickets can be purchased online at or at the ticket sales points of Zsolnay Heritage Management Ltd.
For more information about the season ticket click HERE.
Camerata tickets
Spring 2022 concerts
- Zsolnay Cultural Quarter
Visitor Centre
Infopoint & Shop at the end of the Street of Shops
Guest House Reception
- House of Arts and Literature
- Kodály Centre Ticket Office
- 1 hour before the concert at the entrance to the Concert Hall
For PTE MK lecturers max. 2, for PTE MK students 1 professional ticket can be requested until the evening of the 5th day before the concert at
The professional tickets can be purchased at the Information Points of Zsolnay Heritage Management NKft. until 12 noon on the day before the concert.
After that the request will be cancelled.
Further information:
Gyöngyi SZIKLAI, artistic secretary
We reserve the right to change the programme!
ZMI Liszt Ferenc Concert Hall, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter
The building is located at the south-eastern part of the Quarter, opposite to the footbridge. It can be reached on foot through the Major street and Felsővámház street gates of the Quarter, as well as from the car park at Pécs, Zsolnay Vilmos srt. 16. Starting from the car park, Building can be reached by crossing the footbridge.
About us
Dear Music Lover,
I trust that our shared experiences will continue to grow this season and delight our music-loving friends.
Our current and previous programmes in Hungarian:
Our YouTube-channel: YouTube PTE MK ZMI
•Performing activities related to the dissemination of music and knowledge related to music.
•Organizing events to support musical arts, with a special emphasis on organizing events related to solo and chamber music and the wind orchestra.
•Supporting research, conferences, master classes, training programmes, related to music, with a special emphasis on topics related to music as a profession, and its methodology, psychology, sociology, history and education
•Publishing publications related to music.
•Media activities in support of achieving the objectives of the foundation.

Institute of Music
The aim of our music training is to produce artists and teachers who enjoy a rich palette of music ability, who perform at a high level, and whose pedagogic knowledge prepares them to teach in the various fields of music education, and to conduct, play in chamber ensembles, or to perform as soloists or in orchestras and choirs, according to their specialised training.
The rich art life, renowned music and fine artists living and working in Pécs helped the creation of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, which was established in 1996 from the various art departments of the predecessors. This is the country's only Faculty, where music, fine arts, applied and media education training is done integratedly, and the only university of higher education in Hungary that offers PhD / DLA education in the arts, besides the Liszt Ferenc Music Academy.
New opportunities were born for the Faculty of Arts in it's new campus in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter. The Institute of Music found a new home at the former apprenticeship of the factory. Following the spirit of the place, our institute also considers high-level instrumental traing, singing and theoretical training, supporting talents as the foundation of its teaching work. We are convinced, however, that not the building or the structure of the institute are attractive to the music lovers, but the personality, knowledge and pedagogical commitment of our art teachers. His art teachers - as soloists or as members of renowned Hungarian bands - are regular performers of the Hungarian and international concerts. Outstanding students are also part of the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra - Pécs's orchestral concerts. We are very pleased to have two very special Honorary Doctors, Maestro José Carreras and Maestro Placido Domingo.
In the fall of 2016, as part of its Chamber Concert series, the institute's unwavering intention to appear in Budapest is also concerto life, and to further enrich Pécs and the region's outstanding musical life.

A Vidáman a komolyzenéről - ismeretterjesztő koncertsorozat középiskolásoknak szakmai program megvalósítását 2019. évben a Magyar Művészeti Akadémia támogatta.
A PTE MK ZMI 2020 őszi programok szakmai megvalósítását 2020. évben a Magyar Művészeti Akadémia támogatta.